Friday, January 4, 2013

Days 3 and 4

Day 3 - Oops!   I didn't walk at all. I did however get the Fitbit Zip and wore that all day. Don't have enough steps in yet. I'll get there. I'm kinda scared because my left hip and knee are acting strange. I'm going to walk today but I'll probably just walk and not do all the other movements in the walk at home videos. I don't want to twist something and make it worse. I'm hoping if I walk 1 mile each day and be careful with food intake, I'll lose weight and maybe my knee and hip will get back to normal and then I can do more.

Day 4
I'm finding it hard to walk first thing in the morning. I need to Eat That Frog! Just get it over with in the morning so that it's done and I don't have to worry about it all day.  After it becomes a habit then I will add another mile or some other activity in the evening.  It might be awhile before I am able to do that but it's a goal for the future.

Getting my motivation back.

I've taken 769 steps already today (been sitting all morning so that isn't much.) Yesterday I took 3282 steps - after getting the Fitbit and wearing it.  To get my first badge I need to take 5,000 steps in one day. That sounds really easy - especially if I do the 1 mile walk. :-)    I just found my motivation for today. I am going to see how many steps I get in with the 1 mile walk.  Here I go...

Started the 1 mile walk with 769 steps already showing on my fitbit today.
Ended the 1 mile walk with 2788 steps for the day so far.
That means this particular 1 Mile Walk gives me 2019 steps.
That means if I can do this again this evening (I'm not promising anything) I will get another 2000 steps in before bed. I will probably make the 5,000 needed for my first badge even if I don't walk another mile tonight - but I will burn more calaries if I can do another mile.  If I decide to do it - I want to use a different Leslie Sansone 1 mile walk - the other one I've done is 15 minutes (this one I just did is 20 minutes) and I want to compare the number of steps to see if they are the same or different. Another good motivation for me.  An experiment and research motivates me more than health or losing weight I guess. Not sure why.

For today, another success!   (sticking my tongue out at Ann Marie, my encourager/pusher - and laughing)

Hmmmmm....I just looked at my Fitbit Dashboard again and saw that my daily goal is 10,000 steps.  I guess I better start getting creative and finding a way to get all those steps in every day.  But I still made my goal of 1 mile - so that is a success!!!


mehitabel said...

You can reset your daily goal on your Fitbit dashboard if you find that 10K is too daunting at first--that's around 5 miles! Do take care of your body, though--as you can learn from my experience!

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