Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fed Up!

I am fed up with the things in my life that are holding me back from being all that I want to be. Fifty three years old and I am not anywhere close to where I want to be in life.  I need to get serious about gaining some control back. These are the areas I want to change:

* My weight/health
* My home
* Crafts and projects
* My spiritual life

I am going to see if I can pull off a change. I want to see if I make certain changes in my behavior/habits, will it really make a change in the areas that I want to be changed?

To be specific in the area of my weight/health, What I plan on doing:
* Go to bed by 3am
* Wake up at 9am
* Get dressed in workout clothes
* Dance, Walk, or Exercise for 30 min or more - drink water
* Make Coffee and breakfast (even if I don't feel like breakfast)
* Cut Vegetables and prepare food for lunch
* Clean Kitchen - no dishes in sink - wipe down counters and stove top
* Feed cats
* Clean litter box
* Sweep kitchen floor
* Put trash by door if it's full
* Take shower/bath
* Dress
* Read at least 1 hour

After work
* Walk/Dance/Exercise 30 minutes
* Make dinner
* 1 hour make cards or jewelry
* 30 min vaccum or clean bathrooms or organize closet, living room, craft room...
* 1 hour tv
* 30 hour read